Tim Hughes

SellerApp is a Data Analytics Platform for your Amazon success with features like Product Research, Competitor Lookup, Keyword Research and Tracking, PPC optimization and more


SellerApp is a behavioral eCommerce analytics software that provides Amazon sellers insights derived from their data through powerful tools and reports to help optimize their sales and generate more sales. This E-Commerce solution allows sellers to fully capitalize and take complete advantage of the full value of their digital data by aggregating them and gain meaningful insights that they can use to further improve their processes, service, products, and more. With SellerApp, sellers have a robust Data Platform that unleashes the full value of their data assets by thoroughly dissecting and measuring data at each stage of the funnel and deriving meaningful insights to drive highly relevant, real-time digital advertising on a global scale. This leads to a dramatic influx of new customers, discovery of new products, highly actionable marketplace insights, streamlined conversions and more positive and lasting impact on the revenues.


SellerApp is a Data Analytics Platform for your Amazon success with features like Product Research, Competitor Lookup, Keyword Research and Tracking, PPC optimization and more



地址:USA 800 West El Camino Real, suit 180, Mountain View, CA, 94040



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收录:2019-01-22 18:01:07  更新:2023-04-07 23:53:51

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